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Think about this - Your skin doesn't care what brands you use, it doesn't care about the packaging or if you pay $200 or $2 for a product.
It just cares if it's natural. As raw and un-refined as possible. White bread is natural but not good for us. Refined skincare is natural as well, definitely not good for us!
When making your skincare decisions remember that a drop of any substance on the end of your finger will end up in strands of hair on your head in a few minutes! That's how efficient and sensitive our skin and system are.
This is why it's really important to be aware of what your putting on your skin,
You might use per day a toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, moisturiser, sunscreen, soap etc. That's hundreds of chemicals and a lot of unnatural ingredients that the body has no need for and has a hard time getting rid of.
If one of your personal care products mentioned is considered safe it doesn't take into account the cocktail effect.
If one of your personal care products mentioned is considered safe it doesn't take into account the cocktail effect.
The cocktail effect is the total amount of different substances in all your products combined being absorbed by your body.
But we know things accumulate and might be the cause or be a factor of more serious health problems later in life.
The laws that govern the skincare industry and acceptable levels in products are more than 70 years old. They don't have the inclination to assess the safety of the ingredients in skincare products. It’s all self-regulated by the companies themselves!!
Governments don't care about enforcing or regulating companies safety data. Companies or organisations just care about their profits, and also don't care about your health.
When they do actually test, they test for things like swelling, rashes, skin irritations or bruising. Basically just for any immediate visual side effects. They never do long-term studies for things like cancer, hormone disruptors, birth defects or infertility.
And remember they test on poor innocent defenceless animals, giving them cruel side effects, diseases and horrifying injuries.
For example, take product X – it has three ingredients and all are synthetic chemicals. Regulations say that for each of these ingredients the acceptable levels are one gram.
Let's say their studies have shown over time that one gram tested on rats shows no negative impacts. Ingredient one hasn't been tested on people with eczema or sensitive skin.
More importantly, those products ingredients haven't been tested with any other chemicals from any other products.
You've might have been using similarly toxic products in the last few days or weeks previously which might have a synergistic effect.
This means that the effect of both the chemicals combined could be different or greater than the sum of the individual ingredients effects.
Your skin might not show any signs of a negative reaction but chemicals don’t just evaporate or get washed off your body.
They are absorbed into your skin and blood vessels, just like what a nicotine patch does for smokers.
These toxic ingredients end up in your blood, organs, your fat cells and traces of parabens have even been found in breast tumor biopsies.
These chemicals contribute to high levels of toxicity in your body which can lead to loads of issues. Diabetes, skin conditions, mood disorders, reproductive issues… the list goes on and on.
So you know some of the dangers but how can you protect yourself?
Don't rely on the marketing spin or 'green-washing' on the packaging, simply read the ingredients from top to bottom.
If there are big words that are hard to pronounce then they are either bad chemicals of extracts of natural substances.
These have been filtered or extracted using different means and probably destroying through heat or chemical filtration. Before you purchase, search online for the product and research the ingredients.
Check out EWG (Environmental Working Group)
It’s an American site but it has all the information you need.
They will be using cheaper ingredients in mass-produced ways to increase their revenue.
It all comes back to being informed and taking the time to know what you’re using on your skin and also what your children are absorbing through their skin.
It's up to you to protect them with the right information to make informed choices and avoid the dangers of modern-day skin care.
The more natural your skincare, the more natural you are, the healthier and happier you will be.
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